Saturday, March 3, 2012

Questions about The Sims 3 system requirements.?

So...I want to buy The Sims 3, but obviously not if it won't run on my laptop.

I have a Dell Vostro 1500 bought in (probably) 2008. I ran a system requirement check from a website and it said I did not have the required CPU.

On the spec. for The Sims 3 it says you need

"Service Pack 2 *2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent"

I have Intel (R) Celeron (R) CPU 540 1.86 GHz ... but also Intel Core 2 Duo...

does this make any difference? (having Core 2 Duo)

It also said that the CPU speed was only 1.9GHz and 2.0 was needed but it does not say that on Amazon as part of the spec.

Help please? I have *no clue* with this kind of thing.

Will Sims 3 really not run on my laptop or can it...?Questions about The Sims 3 system requirements.?
The CPU is the same as a processor, therefore the required CPU speed for the Sims 3 is 2.0 GHz. Yours is 1.86 GHz.Questions about The Sims 3 system requirements.?
It may run, or it may not. The minimum system 'requirements' are there to advise you on whether or not the game will run well and provide you with a good experience. As your system does not meet the minimum requirements, all you can do is try it. Service Pack 2 refers to an update to the Microsoft Windows operating system which can be downloaded (free) at: .

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